Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc A flimsy argument framework that says since Event B followed Event A, Event B must have been caused by Event A. Just because B followed A, doesn’t necessarily mean...
Read More The False Dilemma
The False Dilemma Only presenting two choices or alternatives when there are many more that exist. This ignores nuance and lends itself to extreme positions. Typically reduces the potential for compromise—as the two options...
Read More The Straw Man Argument
The Straw Man Setup a straw man that can be ripped down. The offender ignores the actual argument and replaces it with a flimsy, easily-refuted argument—a “straw man”. By replacing a strong argument with...
Read More The Red Herring
The Red Herring The kippered herring was a smelly fish used to distract hunting dogs while training them to focus on a scent. “Red herring” is now synonymous with distraction. The offender distracts from...
Read More The Sunk Cost Fallacy
The Sunk Cost Fallacy Sunk costs are economic costs already invested in an activity that cannot be recovered. The fallacy is found in thinking that you should continue on the basis of all that...
Read More Ad Hominem
Ad Hominem Latin phrase for “to the person”—an attack of the individual rather than the argument. Instead of addressing the argument and its merits, the offender attempts to refute the opposition on the basis...
Read More Australia is ready to be a cashless society
Read More gemerkt das man es nicht nur durch eigenes Verhalten beeinflussen kann ob man mit dem Virus in Kontakt kommt oder nicht
„Im Endeffekt habe ich es dann zu spüren bekommen & habe selbst in der #vierteWelle gemerkt das man es nicht nur durch eigenes Verhalten beeinflussen kann ob man mit dem Virus in Kontakt kommt...
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